Villa Oaks Shopping center
#148 Roosevelt Rd, Villa Park, IL 60181
(back door in the alley)
(Please message me when you’re 15 min away) Google map
Pick up door is located in the alley behind unit #110
Door # 148 located in the alley
Payment option: Cash or Zelle Only
Pick-up times: Varies per day, please message to make an appointment. Make sure to confirm the availability of the items prior to coming (preferably a few hours before coming)
AS-IS/ NO RETURNS, Priced to sell. No holds. Cash/ Zelle and pick up only.
All items for sale are first come first serve. We are willing to hold items for a short period of time if they have been purchased and paid for.
No additional parts and pieces are available. Accessories shown in furniture photos are not included in the sale unless specifically mentioned in the item description.
These items have been very lightly used for staging only. They are sold AS-IS, but there is no concern of pet, smoke, or usage damage.
Make appointments:
Contact us through our website/ Facebook marketplace, or text (630) 519-6353 (no calls please)